Monday, April 23, 2007


Man I just adore this face. My sweet sweet Paige is now and eight year old! I took this photo outside the house on the way to school. I bought her this Fidel Castro hat with rhinestones on it to go with some new clothes. She had to wear it right away and I think she looks fabulous in it. It is also Merlin's Birthday too he is nine years old today and he would not stay in one place long enough for me to snap a photo of him. Waun and I woke Paige up this morning by our off key rendition of Happy Birthday it was nice to see the smile appear on her face as she surfaced from her sleep.
We put out a few presents for her to open this morning and she will get the rest tonight when Daddy gets home from work.
Have just finished baking her triple choc chunk cake and am waiting for that to cool completely along with the sugar syrup so that I can put the cake together. Will post a pic of it later. Her birthday dinner will be easy as she has chosen to tacos for dinner. So that's fabulous less work for me!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Today is my gorgeous nieces birthday. She is four! Time sure flies by so quickly!
I am tired and cranky! Was up late last night at a crop then got home and had to get all the things done that hubby did not do to get Paige ready for Brownie day camp today. Well she made it and I hope I did not forget anything. Straight after camp she has to go to her friend Paige's birthday party. Yep two Paige's born one day apart both best friends with mothers named Mel! What are the odds??!!
I am getting organised today for my Paige's birthday although its all a mess now because I just discovered my husband has a mandatory meeting after work on Monday which happens to be birthday day. Try explaining to an 8 year old girl that she cannot open her presents until late ):. I also have to cancel having people coming over for cake etc because it is a school night and the meeting has royally screwed it all up. by the time he gets home and we now have a LATE birthday dinner etc it will just be too late. I am hugely disappointed. So now what to do? Have to try to work that one out.

Anyhow this is the layout that I did last night at the crop of my folks. Faces smudged as I do not have their permission to post a pic on internet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Princess Cards for Bryn!

Well today was another day at home for Paige. She had her follow up appointment with the Doctor about her adenoids so at the same time I asked him to take a peek at her throat as it is really sore etc. He said first of that it looks like she will have to have her adenoids out as her voice is still really nasally and also that she should stay home for the WEEK from school because she has tonsillitis!! AURGHHHHHH!! This is the week that I am supposed to get her birthday shopping done and catch up on a gazillion things!

Oh well house bound it is. She is going to have to go to work with me tomorrow and stay next door in the guest house at one of my bosses houses and watch movies etc. That way I can check up on her every so often. Waun is going to London in the morning but hopefully can pick her up by about 2 ish. I also had my follow up from my surgery and everything is looking good. So do not have to go back until July. He just wants to take an xray then to make sure the graft is growing bone etc and healing properly.

Paige and I made birthday cards for my niece Bryn as her birthday is on Saturday. I managed to run into ToysRus for a second last night took Paige with me just to grab Bryn her gift. Luckily I knew what it was I wanted. By the time we got Paige home etc her fever spiked up again. Poor thing. So anyway I digress the card on the left is the one that I made for Bryn and the masterpiece on the right is by Paige. I love hers!! She is so artistic and I love watching her when she creates she gets so intense about it!

Denise is such an enabler and dragged my butt to Micheals tonight because she had to go on an on about all the lovlie new things at Micheals so I went BUT I only spent $4.23!!! HA! I could not believe it though they are actually getting in Heidi Swapp products and some of the newer MM things! With a coupon that is not bad at all!

Monday, April 16, 2007

April Scrappy Giraffe Kits are shipping!!!

Woohoo!! Just got the email that means that the April kit is ready to ship. This paper is to die for so gorgeous in colour and mood. I cannot wait to get my hands on it and if the March kit is anything to go by I will not be disappointed!

I already have a few things planned for it. This is my first kit sub ever and I am so happy that this is the one that I decided to go with. It is nothing at like any other kits out there and it is very obvious that a great deal of thought goes into it. Everything is pulled together so beautifully.

On Saturday night I went to another crop with my friend Denise (who else (: she is my scrapping mate). I took some photos and the March Scrappy Giraffe kit with me. It was a bit of a waste of time as I just was not in the mood at all to scrap. Instead I spent the evening cutting out all this scroll work and flowers for this layout. It took all night and that is all I did! I got home around 12 am to find Paige burning up and feeling sick. Was up most of the night on and off with her poor thing. So since she was sick on Sunday I stayed home and sorted out my scrap room which took all morning. The upside of that is that I was actually able to scrap this layout in the afternoon in between tending to Paige. I just love the Making Memories ready to shimmer lettering and shimmer kits. I am addicted to them! I have to try to do a layout without any "bling " on it all but that will not be an easy task at all!
I am hoping that Paige gets rid of her sick soon so that she can get back to school. I have so much to do to get ready for her birthday next Monday and which I have bought NOTHING! It is also not helpful when you ask your child what they want and they say 'I don't know'! I am usually way more organized than this but I blame my tooth and surgery for setting me back! Tomorrow is my two week follow up appointment and Paige also has the specialist for her adenoids and have a feeling that one will end with the Doctor saying they need to come out. Paige will not be pleased. Anyway hopefully I can get some gift buying done tomorrow afternoon if she goes to school after the appointment. If not it will be last minute shopping this weekend! Well that's all from me really feel the urge to go scrap and I have a Birthday card to make for my niece.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cookie Blitz Day!!

Anyone want to buy some girl guide cookies?? Paige is out at the local Canadian Tire Store with the Brownies selling them. So you know where to find her and the cookies! I of course did not let this photo op pass me by and snapped these on her way out the door. She was supposed to go door to door selling with a bunch of other Brownies and Guides but she managed to give herself a nasty knee two days ago and cracked it open again last night running out to the car from a birthday party! Judging by all the moans and groans this morning as she got out of bed I thought amputation might be needed!!

I also went for some "therapy" and attended a crop at the new local Scrap Booking store Scrap Therapy last night. Such a bargain a dollar and hour - how can you beat that? I also love that if you need 'something' for your layout it is right at hand. of course that can be dangerous but I am trying to be constrained and just get what I need for each layout as needed. I had fun and met up with Denise and finally met Tara her friend. I am satisfied with this layout of Paige it is not exactly as I had envisioned and it was NOT a quick throw it together job by any means! This was harder than it looks that's for sure. Oh well it is done now and this is one that I will not be redoing!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th!

Just another day around here. Not working today thankfully because it is a PD day for Paige AGAIN!!
As soon as I got up this morning Paige tuned on the coffee that Dad had gotten ready and made me a piece of toast and raspberry jam. Let me just say it was the BEST piece of toast eaten by me EVER!! Bless her she was so happy to do this.
I am looking after my friends kids this afternoon for a couple of hours and Paige will love having them here. They are really good kids so it will be no trouble at all.
I also have to get sorted for a crop tonight at the new scrap store Scrap Therapy. Space is limited so I like to have my sketch sorted out and my gear organised so that I just take what I need for the crop. Of course there is the added advantage that anything I forgot can be bought lol!(:
Well have to start my day and get myself sorted now have to run to Micheal's to get a birthday present for a party this afternoon that Paige is going to go too! Nothing like last minute!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Easter Bunny Has made a visit!

It is late and the Easter bunny has just finished hiding the eggs all around the house and eating his carrots! Normally the Easter Bunny does this outside but as it is SNOWING he opted for an indoor hunt this year!!
I wonder if this is the last year for Paige to believe in him or if we will get another?? She is growing up so fast it seems and as I was pulling out all the Easter eggs to fill and finding past years baskets etc I got very nostalgic.

The good news is that the camera is primed and ready to go and I even managed to get some photos of Paige colouring eggs this year without too much pain involved!

I feel super far. The trifle is made apart from the whipped cream can be done after church tomorrow, the leg of lamb is in the fridge waiting for the oven just need to peel the spuds tomorrow and set the table etc. I think Easter dinner is my favourite out of all the holiday dinners. My family has always done a leg of lamb with fresh mint sauce, spring peas, roast potato's, roast parsnips and gravy with Scottish trifle for dessert. YUMMY!!

My poor mom! I was working on a layout for Scraplovers March contest. The theme was woman of influence and you had to use American Crafts products. Anyway she likes getting her photo taken as much as I do but I asked her to have my Dad take one anyway. Well it was not a good result nor would it be if I had to have my photo taken on demand. So I had this great photo of my parents and my brother when they were just on a cruise last month and was able to crop my Dad, and Brother out and ended up with a great photo! I have smudged out my mom's face as I do not have her permission to post her on the Internet and do not want to do so without it!

I really like how it turned out and it was a lot of fun to do as well. I really have no chance in winning the contest there is a fabulous entry in there of a frame that is bound to win but I really loved the challenge!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Few Thoughts on Being who you are not what people think you shoud be

So I am FAT not just a little overweight but probably about 30 ish pounds over my pre baby days many many moons ago. I eat well and yes I eat junk but the point is that I do not stuff my face all day I am just larger than I used to be. I came accross this video clip on my friend Angs blog and I just have to share it. It all makes perfect sense to me!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Getting Back Into The Swing Of things

Can I just say that going from thinking you are having a root canal gone bad tooth extraction then instead having MAJOR oral surgery is not fun???!!!! Holy Cow the past couple of weeks have been exceptionally rough. I cannot wait to get back to normal! I have a very scary hole in my mouth now patched with some sort of membrane where the oral surgeon had to remove bone from the roof of my mouth and sinus. It is a really weird feeling knowing this.
Anyhow the pain is getting better as each day passes today marks a week since I had the surgery done so I am hoping that by this time next week it will be a vague memory lol!!

So obviously nothing creative done by me for the past couple of weeks. I hope to change that later today and tomorrow if I can get in the scrappy mood. I have 3 layouts all sketched out and ready to go! Now just a question if I have it in me to put them to paper!

Also on the kit note please if you are at all interested in getting a kit you should check out Can I say AMAZING and the add ons each month HOLY COW!!

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