Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tag Your It!!

Okay so I have been tagged by Carla so here goes:
Two Names You Go By:
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now :
Black Capris
Black t shirt
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
enough money to feel caught up!
good health
Two pets (aka children) you had/have:
Two people who will fill this out first:
have no clue
Two things you did last night:
watched Miami Ink
set up face book for Paige
Two People that live in your house (home):
Two people you talked to last:
Two things you are doing tomorrow:
cleaning house
LongestVehicle Rides
Driving from Germany to France to Italy
going to the cottage in Algonquin Park
Two Favorite Holidays:
Two favorite beverages:
Starbucks non fat Lactaid freen non foam cafe latte
Starbucks home ground and home brewed organic central american blend

I guess I have to move this forward so I am tagging Denise and Holly

Saturday, July 28, 2007

No More Kitchen Aid Envy!! Woohoo!

I am now the proud new owner of a brand spanking new white kitchen aid mixer. I have only coveted this for the last 10 years longer since I stopped working in a Pastry shop in Toronto. Once I got married and had a child etc I could never justify spending that much money on myself they are over $300.00 but The Bay had them on sale this week for $100 off. Too good a deal to miss and I got to cash in my reward points for gift card so got a really good deal on this all told I think I spent about$70. Not bad at all!
I put it to good use today and made some gluten free bread and cupcakes for my friends little girl Olivia who turned 5 today and is having her party tomorrow.
Anyhow it will definitely be put to good use in the near future as I have a wedding cake to prepare for next Saturday!
HARRY POTTER WAS BRILLIANT! We went to see it finally tonight and it was very good I am not sure if it was as good as the last one but we enjoyed it just the same. Really looking forward to getting stuck in to the Half Blood Prince as my friend Melissa lent it to me to read.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rockin Girls, Hermione, Blueberries,The Beach and Hens!

My friend Rebecca has tagged me as a Rockin' Girl blogger. Thanks girlie you made my day (:! Rebecca is a wonderful and very talented online chum. She has had a bit of a rough go lately but everything is coming together for her. You can see her wonderful work here :http://itsthelittlethings-rcb.blogspot.com/ If you have not heard about this then you can read about where it started from here :http://www.robertaferguson.com/2007/06/18/why-not-start-something/The way this award works is that I have to pass it on to 5 bloggers so here goes:
1) My extremely "groovy" and very fabulous friend Holly. Not only is she a talented artist and writer but an inspiration to live a much more simplified and planet friendly life. We have shared some fabulous artistic times together. You can read more about her here: http://groovyholly.blogspot.com/
2) Another fabulous altered artist and someone who I am so proud to call friend is Ang. She truly RAWKS with her fabulous creations and I love how 'real" this gal is. There is not an ounce of fake in this girl. :http://altermyworld.typepad.com/ang/
3) Next is my very deserving online chum Lisa. She is incredibly sweet and I think one of my longest online buddies at least 4 years now? Maybe longer! She has had a bit of a hard time lately but things are also looking up for her and she hung in therehttp://jamlrise.wordpress.com/
4) Another very kind lady who is soon to be mom to child number 2. Who always has a kind word to say and is truly just a nice nice person, TraceyT http://www.tailoredpages.blogspot.com/
5) Last but certainly not least another sassy mini cooper driving lady Chelle. I really enjoy reading her posts and love seeing her layout creations.http://mycrazyworlddivine.blogspot.com/

This is a photo of Paige all dressed up as Hermione for the Chapters Harry Potter book release party she had so much fun getting all her clothes ready to be the perfect Hermione although she insisted on wearing her black strappy sandals with heals. I am thinking that is not quite what Hermione would wear but then this Hermione is much more girlie I think! Waun always loves taking photos of her in character so this is her peaking around the corner waiting to cast a magical spell I gather. It did turn out well! They had a load of fun at the book release and she did all the activities including making a wand, planting magic potter seeds etc enough to earn herself a certificate of wizardry anyways! It is proudly sitting on our fridge. We are going to finally go see the new Harry Potter movie this Saturday evening after Waun finishes work. I am so excited I admit it I am a huge Harry Potter geek but that is not such a bad thing!
We went Blueberry picking on Sunday with our friends Ton and Denise and the kids had lots of fun. We each picked a huge pail full of those yummy berries in no time and the kids had lots of fun finding the biggest Berries. I may have been hit a few times here and there with those magical flying blueberries. I have absolutely no idea how that happens apart from the fact that they were coming from the direction of Waun and Denise. I cannot blame Tom as he was too busy taking photos so it had to be those two as our children are far too good to do such a thing!

Finally after a meander through the glorious country side we hit the dairy freeze for a quick ice cream pit stop before hitting Seacliff Beach in Kingsville. It was such a fantastic day and even though the kids did not have their bathing suits with them they decided to paddle out into the lake.
I was waiting for Paige to just dunk right in and it did not take long! The kids had a blast once Paige and Holly convinced April to get in to! I cannot think of a better way to spend a day than
with good friends on a glorious day playing in the water and digging for treasure in the sand.

Finally to round the day off we scrounged around in the vehicles for something dry for the kids to wear and came up with Wauns extra work shirts which they girls wore as dresses. The looked lovely in them!

We had to go to Amherstburg to Paige's friend Aprils house to help her Dad move something. They have a nice lot of property out in the county and raise all sorts of fun domestic ducks and chickens. The girls had a blast chasing them around and Paige fell in love with this little one, I think its a hen?. All the way home she asked if we could raise some! I told her if we ever move to the country we would think about it!

So that was our weekend and this week has been pretty uneventful so far. Looking forward to tomorrow being Friday because that's one day closer to seeing Harry Potter!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I HATE Work Drama

I guess that's all I am going to say on that matter apart from the fact that it completely sucks right now. Whatever just moving right along. Nothing I can do about it.
A very quick but fun layout I put together Tuesday evening I really like the colour combo. Screams SUMMER to me.
Anyhow this scan is awful because of all the lumps and bumps on this layout but in real life it is nice and vibrant and much nicer. My sister took this photo of Paige when she went down to visit for a few days at the beginning of the month. This came together very easily probably because I just scrapped it purely for fun and I think it reflects that.
Harry Potter Mania!!
How many of you are attending something Harry Potter related this weekend? We are going to go to the Chapters event tomorrow evening. It should be fun and now that I no longer have to work tomorrow I should have some time to get Paige organised for it. Paige of course will go dressed as Hermione it goes with out saying. We had a lot of fun at the last one so this should be just as good. Waun may go as a character too if he has time it remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Over A Month But ............

Lots of things have happened since then. It has just been CRAZY literally. First off after having to go in for a routine procedure ( for me anyway) for a chronic condition I have I got incredibly ill from it and went into major flare up zone. It was actually very frightening how ill I got and how fast I went down hill. So now I am on a steadily decreasing doze of prednezone which is a steroid and something I am so upset about having to take. I only have 4 weeks left now fingers crossed of taking this vial stuff. The worst part of this is that I feel like a big puffy round faced balloon from the side effects.

Paige finished Brownies for the year and had the choice of flying up to Girl Guides but she wanted to stay back until her fellow chums Holly and Jordan can fly up with her. So for now in September she will go back to Brownies until at least January and hopefully fly up with Holly.

Paige wrapped up her first 6 week introduction course to Horse back Riding. She is completely hooked and i know that this is her "thing" some kids dance, do gymnastics etc but this is IT for her. She will start taking a weekly one on one private lesson for the Summer before starting group lessons again in September. I also as a treat have booked her into "horse" camp the last week of July first week of August. It is a day camp running 9 - 5 daily which as well as riding also includes swimming and archery. I am sure she will love it although she is feeling worried about not being with anyone she knows. That is a good thing though because she hopefully will come out of her comfort zone and meet some new people. She can be very very shy in group settings with kids she does not know and always holds back on her own.

Lets see what else has been going on? My sister, brother in law and my niece and nephew came up for a few days at the end of June to celebrate my birthday.I could not wait to get my hands on the kids and hug them up and the kids had a blast together and it was so nice to spend some quality time with my sister, it does not happen very often. We had a BBQ for my 41st birthday on The Saturday with a few friends and their children. Everyone had a fabulous time and the English contingent bonded well! I will post pics as soon as I get my photos loaded onto the computer.
I have not had the urge to scrap I think feeling so horrible health wise kicked out all the creativeness out of me. I did manage to get two layouts done one of my nephew Aidan and another ofPaige and Aidan together with journalling behind the photo.
Finally last Monday July 9Th Paige had her surgery for her tonsil and adenoid removal. I felt so bad for her she had no clue really what was about to happen even though I had explained it all to her. I kept asking her in the waiting area are you nervous and she kept on saying that she was excited!! Waking up from the surgery was rough on her and when they called me in she was just howling with pain which got me ready to ball my eyes out so in order for her not to see me so upset I quickly hugged and kissed her and went and got her Dad. Waun is so much better at this than me, he knows he has to hold back his feelings and just calm her down. By the time she went up to the children's floors and into her room she was slightly calmer. They gave her a good shot of morphine which helped a lot. We had a lovely surprise though and Reverend Sue from our church stopped in and brought her a lovely stuffed cat. That really helped take her mind off of it. It has been a really long week of recovery. The first couple of days not so bad but Thursday to Saturday she was in so much pain I felt so helpless. The Doctor did warn us that days 5 and 6 would be the worst as everything is starting to heal as the swelling goes down and tightening up. He was not kidding. It was not a fun time for any of us. Paige has a new cute voice out of all of this though! Before she was always very nasal toned because of the adenoids now she has this very girlie cute voice. It makes me smile every time she starts speaking. (:
I am afraid that this post is getting to long and that Blogger will do something screwy so will update with more photos and news in a new post when I get the chance!

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