Friday, January 26, 2007

This Face

is the face of Tourette's. My gorgeous daughter has now been diagnosed officially with having this syndrome. I spent the first couple of days in a sort of numb shell shocked way even though I knew this would probably be the diagnosis. No one wants to hear anything like that regarding their child. However as a couple of days have passed by and I have done some major researching acceptance has come and also the realization that this is not so bad. I mean its not life or death. Its pretty mild she mostly just has facial "ticks" , eye blinking, grimacing head nodding, shoulder jerking and a little bit of squeaking with her throat. It mostly comes out late afternoon and at night when she is more tired.

I researched the "drugs"prescribed and Waun and I made a very easy decision not to medicate her. She is well liked by her peers, has lots of friends, the teachers in her class say she is not disruptive, her principle is very against medicating as our we. So instead we are going to continue on with a holistic approach to this and see how that works for now. As long as Paige is happy and well adjusted then there is no point in changing who she is with a medicated version of Paige just to control some "ticks".

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I tried to get on here earlier but had a very furry reason for not updating sooner!

Merlin decided that a very long cat nap after a very noisy and drawn out bath was what he needed on my computer chair. Of course I could just move the cat but really no I couldn't. He is too darned adorable and I love him so much. Basically he is SPOILED ROTTEN!

I am a bunch of nerves. We have been having some issues with Paige and get some results or at least get closer to some answers when we see her pediatrician tomorrow.Will post more on that subject at a later date when I know what is going on.

We did take her for swimming lessons yesterday and she absolutely LOVED it. It really helped take all of our minds off of our troubles and made us all happy. That girl loves the water and she just looked so darned cute splashing around trying so hard to do as her instructor tells her to do.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finally Snow!!!!

Woohoo! We actually had a mini Blizzard of sorts last night at least a full month late but better than never right? There is supposed to be more tomorrow but my faith in the weather is pretty slim these days.

Today is one of those days when Waun is not working Paige is home we have no important "have to do" plans. PERFECT!

Well I have a few plans for Waun but he does not know that. It would be nice to get the painting touch ups FINALLY finished, a few pictures hung here and there to make my walls not so bare

I plan on working on my "I Confess project" today, check it out at and also have a few cards to get in the works. I also plan on playing with my new Digi camera my first........ yes I am a late bloomer.......... its just a simple 5 mega pixels with optical zoom nothing fancy but it will do for now until I can afford the real deal!

OH! How can I forget I also plan on playing with my new mini kit! Yesterday I received in the mail my first kit from a brand spanking new mini altered art kit club. If you have not already do run over and check it out. It is so worth it! Right now just a limitted amount of kits a month but I hear that a subscription plan is in the works!I was amazed at how much you get for only $20 plus taxes and shipping and yes folks that is Canadian!

This is what Paige and Waun are palnning for this mornings activities. Not loads of snow but hopefully enough!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tea Party

I can think of no better way than to spend some quality time with Paige. She is making up invites for Waun and myslef to meet her in the kitchen at 4:15 pm!

Should be fun although I think she is serving hot chocolate and cookies. YUMMY!

I finally finished the layout I have been labouring over of my niece Bryn. I am not 100% happy but it is done!

Other than that its a normal lazy Sunday, Waun is painting his Lord of The Rings figure, Paige is playing with her craft supplies and I was making a mess scrapping. Why is it that me the neat freak makes such a huge mess when I scrap book or craft?

Dinner tonight has to be made still just sheppards pie but with mashed sweet potatoes instead of normal. Should be good with some fresh Broccoli.

Anyhow thats it from me.

Friday, January 05, 2007


First off I should say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU WILLY!

It has been one of those weeks major computer issues at work as in computer crashed in middle of accounting. Turns out need a new hard drive etc etc, spent all day yesterday dealing with all of that etc. NOT FUN!
Well today is one of those have a million things to catch up on days and in one of those funks that come from feeling overwhelmed with things to do and bills to pay and whereis the money to pay these bills? Well squeaked bye but no extras at all for the next couple of weeks!

Maybe just maybe will get that layout finished of my niece and also a layout on my wishes for the New Year.

Tonight I have to remember to turn on Ghost Whisperer at 8 pm for Paige she loves that show and so do I.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Okay the last layout for today!

Phew!! # layouts in less than 24 hours! Holy cow! this will be the last one though as have to get scrap room cleaned up and get Paige bathed etc as its a work day tomorrow . Blech!

Aw well the holidays are officially over once work starts back!

This is my nephew Aidan at age 6 1/2. A totally non Mellie type layout no clean lines to be found anywhere! I had a blast doing it though so thats all that matters!

Out with the old

Thank God its a fresh new year, brand spanking new! The possibilities loom out in front a clean slate so to speak. Last year was not a bad one it was just a busy one. I was overwhelmed with "things to do". We bought a new house and moved within the space of 3 months, I started back at my OLD job after quitting back in August of 2005, our car died we bought a new one etc, etc, etc, plus trying to be a good mom and wife, working, working on the new house making it ours and getting rid of horrid floral borders and such. Lets just say over all in all that I lost myself and I lost my creative spark.

So this new year is going to be more about me enjoying my family , my creative pursuits, it will be about saying NO to everyone that wants me to help them scrap THEIR albums etc. Selfish? Maybe so but I am so tired of going to a crop and being hounded to help with layouts or have all my stuff loant out and being used and then when I want it where is it? So I am going to learn to say NO! Plain and simple!

I managed to scrap yet another layout! WOOOHOOOOOOO! Two layouts in the space of less than 24 hours! The scrappers block is GONE. This one was for a sketch challenge over at Scraplovers for their new year crop I had a lot of fun doing it!It is of my sister and her kids taken this summer.

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